3,000 BABIES DIED in Germantown BUT 428 were SAVED!! Yes (!) 428 mothers have changed their minds and decided to keep their babies in Germantown since December 5, 2010 as a result of YOUR pro-life PRESENCE, SUPPORT, and PRAYERS.
September 28, 2017 - Maryland Coalition for Life issues News Release on the Closing of Germantown and Prince Georges Reproductive Health Services -
The Maryland Coalition for Life (MDCFL) is pleased to announce that as of September 27, 2017, Germantown Reproductive Health Services and Prince George’s Reproductive Health Services permanently closed. Germantown Reproductive Health Services has been the location where notorious late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart performed 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions for the past 7 years.
Since arriving in Germantown, MD in December 2010, the MDCFL has been instrumental in organizing and leading the opposition to controversial late-term abortion procedures. Carhart started practicing abortions in Maryland after Nebraska outlawed abortions past 20 weeks. After his arrival, the local community and churches rallied together like never before to pray during thirteen Germantown 40 Days for Life campaigns, open a pro-life resource center across the parking lot from the abortion facility, and provide help and support to women through sidewalk counseling. As a result of the faithful pro-life community over the past 7 years, we have been blessed to witness over 400 women choose LIFE for their children over abortion.